An auto accident has the power to change your life in a matter of seconds. Often through no fault of your own, you can face a lifelong battle of healing injuries, grieving the loss of a loved one, and coping with post-traumatic stress. It isn’t all bad, though, as there are steps you can take to overcome your challenges and regain a sense of control in your life. 


The 8 Dangers of an Auto Accident and How You Can Overcome Them 


1. A Dangerous Auto Accident Can Cause a Catastrophic Injury

A catastrophic injury will affect all areas of your life, from your physical health and mental well-being to lost income and excessive medical bills. 


2. Catastrophic Injuries Caused in Car Accidents Lead to Life-Changing Injuries 

A life-changing injury leaves you injured for a long time, if not forever. Motorcycle accidents or other kinds of vehicle collisions easily cause spinal fractures that require lifelong medical care. 


3. A Bad Auto Accident May Result in Death 

According to the US government, 42,915 people died as a result of a traffic collision in 2021, marking a 16-year high. If you’ve lost a loved one to this tragic type of incident, know that you can file a wrongful death claim on their behalf. The statute of limitations in Arizona is up to two years from the date of the accident. 


4. An Auto Accident Can Lead to Trauma

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is caused by traumatic events and keeps survivors in a state of constant threat. It also is characterized by intrusive thoughts, nightmares, and social isolation. A major auto accident is a prime example of a traumatic experience that brings about PTSD. If you’re experiencing similar symptoms, please seek help and know that you’re not alone. 


5. Crash Injuries Are Incredibly Costly

The CDC reports that injuries from car collisions that are either fatal or nonfatal demand about $1.8 trillion from the global economy. Of course, your personal situation would be scaled down, but this gives you an idea of just how expensive this unwanted accident can be. 


6. An Auto Accident Can Cause Brain Trauma

Brain injuries are also catastrophic injuries, but they differ from most because they don’t only impair physical well-being but also cognitive functions. Sometimes, it takes years to fully understand the scope of a traumatic brain injury. 


7. You May Never Feel Safe on the Road Again

Especially in a sprawling city like Phoenix, cars are necessary for everyday life. Fearing getting behind the wheel after an auto accident is completely natural but also debilitating. Consider seeking professional help to overcome your anxieties regarding driving, if needed. 


8.  Health Insurers Don’t Always Have Your Best Interests at Heart

You’d think that after a scary auto accident, your health insurance would have your back. But they see your injury as a way to make a profit, and therefore won’t always offer you the highest compensation you deserve. 


Hire a Reliable Attorney

Personal injury attorneys specialize in aiding the victims of auto accidents. With their in-depth knowledge of the law and sharp negotiation tactics, you’ll safely know that your rights are being defended in good hands. What’s better, you can focus on healing stress-free while you let your civil lawyer do the dirty work. Especially when the traffic accident wasn’t your fault, a civil lawsuit will provide you the compensation needed to cover your medical bills and loss of income. 


Call Accidents Tirado Law for a Free Consultation 

Are you searching for a reliable attorney in Phoenix? At Tirado Law, our attorneys are experts in auto accident cases. From negotiating with stingy insurance companies to defending your rights in the courtroom, we’ll be by your side throughout your entire legal journey. We genuinely care about your well-being and will work hard to get you the compensation you deserve. Call us to schedule a free consultation.