It’s no secret that you can file a civil lawsuit if you get injured in a traffic accident because of someone else’s carelessness. But what happens when either you or the other driver are in a commercial vehicle? A private company backs up a commercial vehicle, so facing them in court can be more complicated and intimidating than what you’d expect in your average auto accident. Below, we’ve broken down what is considered a commercial vehicle and how you can fight back after you’ve been in a traffic collision. 


What is Considered a Commercial Vehicle? 

A commercial vehicle is licensed by the DMV to be used for business purposes to transport goods or passengers. Common vehicles that fall under this category include:

  • Rental cars
  • Taxis
  • Semi-trucks 
  • Heavy equipment haulers
  • Box trucks
  • Buses


As you can see, truck accidents are very common when it comes to a commercial vehicle being involved. However, car accidents and motorcycle accidents can also fall into that category. Make sure to always get the personal information of the other driver, so you’re equipped with the tools to move forward with an insurance claim or civil lawsuit. 


What You Need to Know About a Commercial Vehicle Lawsuit

If a commercial vehicle hits you, you have all the same rights to file a lawsuit under US law. The only difference is that you’ll be facing a private company instead of an individual. 

While this sounds intimidating, the good news is that these companies are fully insured. This means you’ll likely get a decent sum of money after filing your insurance claim. Still, it’s your civil right to file a lawsuit. Whether the insurance money covers your medical bills or not, you can and should file a civil lawsuit with the help of a personal injury attorney. 

Technically, you can file both insurance claims and lawsuits on your own. But personal injury attorneys know the intricacies of the law. Plus, they can negotiate for your rights against relentless lawyers and insurance companies. Both are looking out to make their profits, so getting a lawyer’s help means better chances of getting the total compensation you deserve. 


Personal Injury Lawsuit 

You could file this type of lawsuit if an auto accident injures you. It’s your right to be awarded compensation for your medical bills, especially if the accident caused you a catastrophic injury. A life-changing injury requires lifelong care that most likely won’t be covered by an insurance claim alone, for example, in the case of spinal fractures. 


Wrongful Death Lawsuit 

If you lost a loved one, we suggest filing a wrongful death claim to cover expenses like funeral costs and loss of income. The sudden death of a loved one is a traumatic experience, so the funds to cover therapy bills will come in handy, too. 


Call Accidents Tirado Law 

If you need a reliable attorney in Phoenix, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Accidents Tirado Law, we specialize in aiding victims of car collisions to get their rightful compensation. We boast expert skills along with a true passion for serving justice. Call us today to get a free, no-obligation consultation for your commercial vehicle civil lawsuit.