Motorcycles without a doubt offer a thrilling experience on the road. On the flip side, though, that sense of freedom and exhilaration comes at a cost. According to the US Department of Transportation, motorcyclists in an auto accident are 28 times more likely to die than standard car passengers. Likewise, they’re four times more likely to get injured. Don’t underestimate injuries, either. Catastrophic injuries caused by motorcycle accidents forever change the lives of victims. 

There are countless ways someone can suffer a catastrophic injury while on a motorcycle. Below, we’ve listed five of the main ways bikers experience catastrophic injuries in a traffic accident. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, we’ve also detailed the next steps for you to take to get through this troubling time with ease. 


1. Traumatic Brain Injuries

Failure to wear a helmet is the main cause of brain injuries in car collisions involving a motorcycle. Still, even with a helmet on, there’s a major risk. These severe injuries cause permanent brain damage requiring lifelong medical care. 


2. Serious Burn Injuries

There are two main ways bikers suffer burn injuries in a traffic collision. The first is by skidding on pavement, and the other is by being pinned under a hot engine. The risk for the latter is especially high in commercial vehicle collisions that involve trucks with big engines. 


3. Catastrophic Injuries to the Spine 

Spinal fractures are catastrophic injuries that often leave victims paralyzed. A life-changing injury like one to the spine means victims need to adapt to a drastically different lifestyle, often in a wheelchair. 


4. Internal Organ Damage

This sneaky type of catastrophic injury is not evident at first as the others. It’s just as dangerous though, if not deadlier. Internal bleeding could cause an organ to shut down completely, possibly leading to wrongful death if the collision was not your fault. 


5. Crushed Limbs 

Broken bones due to car accidents are a common occurrence. However, because motorcyclists are exposed on the road, it’s much easier for a bone to get completely crushed as opposed to just broken. If the bone damage is bad enough, an amputation will be likely. 


Take Action With a Civil Lawsuit

You don’t have to add insult to injury by paying for your medical bills after an auto accident leaves you with a catastrophic injury. Adapting to your new life could be a traumatic experience in and of itself. It’s only right that you request the compensation you deserve by filing a civil lawsuit

We recommend that you pursue a civil lawsuit in addition to filing an insurance claim. This is because catastrophic injuries demand long-term medical care that won’t be covered by the negligent person’s limited insurance policy. Whether you’re filing a civil lawsuit or insurance claim, however, it’s always safer to do so with a lawyer. Their sharp negotiation skills and strong knowledge of the law come in handy. If you’re worried about how to pay- don’t. Personal injury attorneys ask for a percentage out of your final payout. You’ll never have to pay upfront


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