A road traffic collision causes so many challenges. Besides the initial shock, you have to deal with a destroyed vehicle, physical injuries, and, worst of all, bills. Everyone can agree- it’s never fun to deal with medical bills. But when you’ve been injured because of someone else’s recklessness, it brings a whole other level of frustration. 

First of all, if you’re in this stressful situation, we’re sorry. The truth is you can’t necessarily speed up your recovery. What you can do after a vicious auto accident, though, is get paid for your injuries. Below, we’ve explained exactly how. 


1. Document the Auto Accident

Farther down the line, when you’re filing your claim, you will need all the proof you can get. So, if possible, write down the other person’s contact information and take photos of the collision as further evidence. 


2. Seek Medical Treatment

If you’ve been injured in a road traffic incident, the first step is to seek out medical treatment. Obviously, you’ll want to do this to begin your road to recovery. But another important reason why is so you can prove to the insurance companies the true extent of damage caused. 


2. Keep a File of All Your Records

Bouncing off the last point, make sure to keep every single receipt along the way. After a personal injury collision, you’ll most likely go to the doctor. But along with that, save all the proof you have of physical therapy visits, vehicle adjustments, and anything else related to the road accident. 


3. File an Insurance Claim 

It may seem obvious, but to deal with medical bills, you should file an insurance claim as soon as possible. If the collision was not your fault, you can go ahead and file with the insurance of the other person. This is the part when you’ll pull out all those records you saved (and are continuing to save). 

Don’t settle for the first settlement, either. Insurance companies want to make their own profit and don’t usually have your best interest in mind. Negotiation is key- which brings us to our next point. 


4. Hire a Reliable Lawyer to Help You Deal With Medical Bills

You can do all of the steps above on your own. But why should you go through the stress and uncertainty when you don’t have to? Civil lawyers can help walk you through the complicated process, gathering all the right documents along the way. Besides their expertise with the convoluted US legal system, attorneys are negotiation pros who can finesse insurance companies to reimburse you the money that’s rightfully yours. This way, you can focus on your recovery and let your lawyer handle the tough stuff. 


Call Accidents Tirado Law

Tirado Lawyers are the top injury attorneys in Phoenix, AZ. With us, you won’t have to worry about how to deal with medical bills. We’ll fight for your rights to get you the compensation you justly deserve. Contact us today for a free no-obligation consultation.