Catastrophic injuries can change lives instantly, and they’re especially hard to accept if someone else’s violence or carelessness caused them. If you’re dealing with a life-changing injury, you don’t have to fight this battle alone. There are support and resources to adjust your lifestyle with ease and comfort. We’ve summed up the best steps you can take after a life-changing injury to heal and accommodate your life accordingly. 


What’s Considered a Life-Changing Injury?

In the eyes of the law, a life-changing injury causes permanent disabilities or serious long-term health issues. There are no specific guidelines citing what falls under a life-changing injury category, but if the trauma will forever alter your health, it’s safe to fall into that scope. 

Catastrophic injuries impact all areas of life, from daily tasks to emotional balance to income streams. Luckily, you’re eligible for financial compensation if you’ve been affected by a wrongful injury.

What falls into the category of a wrongful injury? Many incidents allow you to get the compensation you deserve after a life-altering trauma. Some include: 


File a Civil Lawsuit

If you’ve experienced a wrongful injury, you can and should file a civil lawsuit to receive the compensation you deserve. In the case of a life-changing injury, you’ll need to file a personal injury claim against the negligent party. This holds the defendant accountable for their actions and offers you financial compensation for your medical bills, loss of income, and mental anguish. Note that the law of limitations for a personal injury claim is two years in the State of Arizona. 


Hire a Reliable Attorney

Personal injury law exists to help people wronged by a life-changing injury. While you can file a claim yourself in Arizona, hiring a reliable attorney is favorable. This is because they have the expertise and negotiation skills to win your case and get you the highest compensation. In the meantime, you can concentrate on the other aspects of your life without stressing over paperwork and deadlines. 


Find Social Support

Last but not least, make sure to seek social support and not spiral into a depression bubble. It’s not easy to adapt to a new, more limited lifestyle, so having a circle of loved ones to help lift your spirits will do infinite wonders for your quality of life. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to have someone help you with daily tasks. Life-changing injuries don’t just devastate your physical health– they can forever alter your mental health. 

Don’t live by friends or family? Check out local support groups for your specific injury to connect with other people experiencing the same thing. 


Get Your Life-Changing Injury Compensation With Tirado Law

Accidents Tirado Law will fight for your rights to compensation, as our specialized civil lawyers handle each case with expertise and care. Want to find out how we can help bring you to justice? Contact us today for a free consultation.