Mourning the death of a loved one is one of life’s toughest battles. But when you’ve experienced the wrongful death of a family member at the hands of another, the pain is twofold. Sadly, nothing can be done to change the past. But there are steps you can take moving forward to obtain peace and justice. 


Allow Yourself the Space to Grieve

There is no linear path to healing when coping with the wrongful death of a loved one. Besides sadness, you may face challenging emotions such as anger, frustration, fear, and helplessness. These are all a very normal part of grieving. While they’re uncomfortable to feel, honoring these emotions will help to process them. 

Likewise, don’t force yourself to jump right back into your normal routine. Life does need to move on, but it’s completely okay to ease back into your responsibilities slowly. 


Create a Strong Support System to Cope With the Wrongful Death of a Family Member

Chances are you’ll feel quite down while mourning the wrongful death of a family member. It can be easy to sink into isolation and depression, but this will only make you feel worse. Reaching out to family and friends reminds you that you’re not in this alone.


File a Wrongful Death Claim

You can file a claim for wrongful death in Phoenix. Essentially, a wrongful death claim is a lawsuit against the negligent party. If won, it will ensure compensation for funeral and burial expenses, income lost from absence at work, and emotional hardships associated with the loss. 

Unsure if you qualify to make a claim? To follow through with a lawsuit, the wrongful death must 

  • Auto accident
  • Pedestrian accident 
  • Medical malpractice
  • Death in the workplace
  • Death caused by intent to harm 
  • Criminal activity

However, individual cases vary, so make sure to get professional input before you give up without trying. Keep in mind that you have a limited amount of time to file the lawsuit if you indeed want to follow through on it. In the state of Arizona, the statute of limitations for a wrongful death claim is two years. 


Hire an Experienced Attorney in Phoenix

There’s no law stopping you from filing a claim on your own when you’ve experienced the wrongful death of a family member. However, unless you’re very familiar with the law, your chances of successfully understanding the process and winning the case will be slim. This is where lawyers come into play. 

A civil lawyer will handle the legal aspects so you can focus on healing. It’s important to find a reliable attorney in Phoenix who will invest their time and availability in your individual case. The more they know you on a personal level, the sharper they can negotiate a winning deal for you. Plus, with a certain level of experience under their belt, the right attorney will nail your claim


Call Tirado Law to Right the Wrongful Death of a Family Member

At Accidents Tirado Law, we genuinely care about the wellbeing of our clients. If you’ve recently dealt with the wrongful death of a family member, we believe it’s your right to get the compensation you deserve. We know that nothing can reverse the pain you’re feeling, but we’ll work tirelessly to bring the culpable person to justice so that you can find some inner peace. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation to learn how we can be of service to you.