Car collisions are all too common in the US, and motorcycle accidents cause some of the worst injuries of them all. Over the past decade, death rates due to motorcycle accidents have increased by 27%. If you’ve endured a catastrophic injury in a traffic accident, you don’t have to suffer in silence. There are resources, like personal injury attorneys, who can help you adapt to your reality post-accident. Below, we’ve explained the actions you can take to receive the compensation you deserve. But first, let’s explore how motorcycle accidents cause these detrimental wounds. 


1. A Lack of Helmets

The first reason motorcycle accidents result in devastating injuries is because of exposure. In a traditional auto accident, passengers are protected by the shell of the car. However, motorcyclists lack that extra layer of protection. If they’re not wearing a helmet, it makes it very easy for a traumatic brain injury to occur. 


2. Rear-End Crashes 

When a motorcyclist gets rear-ended by a vehicle in a traffic accident, the whiplash effect of the collision can cause their back to split. Spinal fractures are some of the most serious injuries one can endure, leading to lifelong medical needs. 


3. Burn Injuries From Skidding on the Pavement

A lesser-known catastrophic injury from motorcycle accidents is second-to-third degree-burns. When a rider falls and slides onto the pavement, they’re prone to severe burns. 


4. Crushed Bones From the Weight of the Bike or Other Vehicle

The impact of car accidents isn’t always the only cause of a severe injury. If a motorcyclist gets trampled under their bike or under the weight of another vehicle, they can experience serious fractures or broken bones. 


5. Burn Injuries From Hot Engines

If a motorcycle collides with another vehicle, there’s a chance the biker can get pinned between a hot engine and another surface. This is especially true in the case of a commercial vehicle accident. 


File a Civil Lawsuit 

While motorcycle accidents can cause you catastrophic injuries that upheave life as you know it, there are ways for you to regain power. One of the best ways to do so is by filing a civil lawsuit against the negligent party that caused the auto accident. Whether you’re faced with a life-changing injury or grieving the wrongful death of a loved one, Arizona law allows you to file a lawsuit within two years of the incident. 

Keep in mind, that this is in addition to filing an insurance claim, which you should always do after an accident. Typically, however, the negligent person’s insurance policy has a cap. When dealing with life-changing injuries, you’re going to need extensive medical care, so the insurance alone won’t be enough to carry you through. That’s where civil lawsuits come into play. In addition to serving justice, they offer you the opportunity to get compensation for medical bills, lost income, and emotional distress. An accident alone is a traumatic experience, let alone forever changing your life afterward. So, you deserve compensation for your emotional needs just as much as your physical ones. 


Get a Free Consultation With Accidents Tirado Law

Are you looking for a reliable attorney in Phoenix? Our lawyers at Tirado Law are experienced in traffic collision cases. We’ll stick by your side throughout your legal journey and fight for your rights to win you the compensation you deserve. Call us today for a free, no-obligation consultation to learn how we can support you and your family.