What is a Workplace Injury? Work-related injuries and illnesses are commonplace. In fact, nearly 60,000 nonfatal injuries were reported in the State of Arizona alone in 2020. They can range from minor to extreme, but they all have one thing in common, which is the opportunity to get the compensation you deserve to heal. 

That’s right- if you’ve suffered a workplace injury, you have the right to financial compensation for your medical expenses and lost wages. How exactly does it work, you may be wondering? We’ve broken down exactly what worker’s comp covers and how you can attain your rightful payoff so you can achieve a full recovery. 


What Qualifies As A Workplace Injury?

In legal terms, a workplace injury is an incident that happened at the job that prevents you from working or requires medical treatment. 

Frequent workplace injuries include but are not limited to:

  • Repetitive motion injury
  • Sprain
  • Industrial injury
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Overuse strain injury
  • Serious degree of permanent disfigurement 


How Can You Fully Recover From a Workplace Injury?

Injuries, in general, tend to shake up our lives and cause distress. Naturally, if you’ve experienced a more serious workplace injury, you’ll require more compensation. But whether you’ve needed in-patient hospitalization or a quick trip to the doctor’s office, you’re legally entitled to the same benefits. 

Recovery from your workplace injury involves many different aspects, including both physical and financial. To maximize your recovery, make sure to practice the following steps. 


Give Yourself Time To Rest

While we all want a break from work, being forced to take one due to an injury is less than ideal. You’re likely itching to get back to your normal routine, but to fully recover, you need to give yourself the time to heal. So, allow yourself to de-stress and enjoy the hiatus guilt-free! Paradoxically, stressing overhealing will only delay the process. 


File For Workers’ Comp

If you were injured on the clock, you have the right to compensation through workers’ comp. Essentially, workers’ comp covers all medical costs and coverage for time lost at your job. The money is provided by your employer for as long as is necessary for you to recover. In Arizona, you’ll need to apply for workers’ compensation within a year of the incident. 


Hire A Civil Lawyer 

Consulting a reliable attorney is vital, especially when you’re dealing with complex employment laws. For example, it’s standard at one point or another to receive a Notice of Ability to Return to Work form. These often come prematurely, but refuting them requires gathering the right evidence and knowing how to negotiate against them. 

To ensure yourself a fast and full recovery, we highly recommend finding a civil lawyer you can trust. This way, your lawyer can handle the paperwork while you can actually enjoy this time away from your job work-free. At the same time, you can focus on healing and not stress how your workers’ comp case is going because it’s in good hands. 


Call Accidents Tirado Law

Do you need a reliable attorney in Phoenix to file a workplace injury claim? We offer first-rate legal services in the city. Let us handle the hard stuff while you focus on resting and healing. Want to know more? Call us today for your free consultation