Slip and fall injuries are so common yet often problematic. Have you or a loved one recently suffered a catastrophic injury slipping and falling because of someone else’s carelessness? If so, you have the right to compensation for your medical bills and lost wages. Personal injury attorneys will help you get the most out of your settlement. But first, let’s cover the most common types of slip and fall injuries and their causes. 


The Most Common Slip and Fall Injuries and What Causes Them

Slip and fall injuries can happen anywhere, anytime. Everywhere from your kitchen floor to hiking trails out in the woods are prone to the risk of dangerous slips and falls. However, there’s a common trend that the most common slip and fall injuries happen in the workplace. We’ve covered all the top causes just below. 

Top Causes of Slip and Fall Injuries 

  • Wet floor 
  • Damaged equipment
  • Broken ladder or stair
  • Dirty workplace environment 
  • Heavy machinery accident 


Whatever made you slip and fall is only the beginning of a long recovery journey. The issue you’ll be facing from here on out is the injury the fall left you with. Here, we’ve indicated the top common slip and fall injuries. 

Top Typical Slip and Fall Injuries 

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries 
  • Hip injuries 
  • Broken bones or multiple fractures 
  • Sprained wrists or ankles 
  • Cuts and abrasion 


The Next Steps After You’ve Suffered Slip and Fall Injuries 


Collect Evidence At the Scene

Of course, this only counts if you’re physically able to. Try to gather as much evidence at the injury scene as possible. It will help you further down the line with your claim. 

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

If your slip and fall caused an injury, we highly stress visiting a doctor right away. Neglecting your injury can make it worse over time. Save your medical records, too, for when you file your claim. This brings us to the next point. 

File a Personal Injury Claim

No matter what caused your slip and fall injury, if it was because of someone else’s carelessness, you can file a claim. The same goes for the severity of your injury. From catastrophic injuries to less serious ones, you’ll always have the right to request compensation for your medical bills and loss of income. 

To file a lawsuit effectively, we highly suggest hiring a reliable attorney. Personal injury attorneys handle the complex legal paperwork while you can rest and recover stress-free, knowing your case is in good hands. Not only that, but they know your rights under the law and can successfully negotiate the highest compensation. 

Keep in mind that the State of Arizona holds a statute of limitations of up to two years of the day of the incident. The sooner you get started on your claim, the better so that you leave yourself plenty of time to gather all the needed evidence for a strong case. 


Get a Free Consultation With Tirado Law 

Looking for a reliable attorney in Phoenix to help you with your claim? At Accidents Tirado Law, we’ll work closely with you to get you the compensation you deserve throughout your legal journey. We offer free, no-obligation consultations, so don’t hesitate to give us a call today