Catastrophic injuries devastate all aspects of your life. They tend to wreak havoc on your physical and mental health while costing you thousands of dollars at the same time. Often, another person’s negligence causes these life-altering injuries to an innocent person. If this is the case for you, understand that you have the right to receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and emotional distress. Let’s dive into the top types and causes before getting into detail on the actions you can take to receive maximum compensation


What is Considered a Catastrophic Injury?

According to the National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research, catastrophic injuries result in death, permanent disability, or a severe but treatable disability. 


Causes of Catastrophic Injuries 

Catastrophic injuries have many different causes but the same devastating consequences. An auto accident is the number one cause. Still, some stand out from the rest.

The top five causes of catastrophic injuries are:

  • Car accidents or motorcycle accidents
  • Pedestrians accident 
  • Medical malpractice
  • Falling from high structures 
  • Workplace injury 


Types of Catastrophic Injuries

Regardless of the cause, traumatic injuries cause lasting and life-changing effects. The most serious include severe injury to the spine, which typically results in permanent damage.

The top five types of catastrophic injuries are:

  • Traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury
  • Accidental amputation
  • Severe burns
  • Multiple fractures or broken bones
  • Neurological disorders


File a Civil Lawsuit For Your Catastrophic Injury 

It’s rare to regain from a catastrophic injury. Still, you can take action to make the best of the situation. Most of all, that includes filing a civil lawsuit


Why Should You File a Civil Lawsuit? 

Because whether your injury is treatable or not, you’re going to need pricey care to recover or adapt. For example, spinal fractures can cause paralysis, leading to expensive lifelong treatment. To add insult to injury, you’ll have to shell out your savings and then some to cover the costs of missed work and medical bills. 

Filing a civil lawsuit gets you the funds needed to treat your condition without suffering a second trauma to your bank account. It ensures you and your family the minimum amount of stress in an already exasperating experience. Plus, it holds the guilty party accountable for their actions. 


Hire a Reliable Attorney

Your best chances to file a civil lawsuit are with an attorney. The law is complicated, and victims often don’t know how to defend themselves in court. Not to mention sharp negotiation skills are needed to fight your case. So, hiring a civil lawyer guarantees you the best chance to win maximum compensation while you focus on resting and adapting to your needs.


Get a Free Consultation With Accidents Tirado Law

Have you suffered a catastrophic injury? Our attorneys at Tirado Law are some of the best in Phoenix, and we’re ready to defend your rights to compensation. If you want to learn how we can help you heal, call us today for a free, no-obligation consultation.