There are few things more unbearable than a wrongful death. As if grieving the death of a loved one isn’t challenging enough, the fact that they were taken because of another person’s carelessness adds a layer of anger and confusion. Often, a catastrophic injury from an auto accident results in wrongful death, but there are many more which we’ve detailed below. Unfortunately, nothing can change what’s already happened. What you can do, however, is take action today to make it easier for you and your family to recover. 


What Are the Causes of Wrongful Death? 


1. Car Accidents 

In 2021, car collisions caused 42,915 deaths in America. That’s a 10.5% increase from the previous year, marking a 16-year high in the US. Many times, car collisions happen because another driver was negligent. This means a wrongful death case is highly probable. 


2. Semi-Truck Accidents 

A traffic accident that involves a commercial vehicle- typically a truck- is even more likely to cause a catastrophic injury than a standard auto accident. The extra force added by the mass of trucks means catastrophic injuries like spinal fractures and wrongful death happen more easily. 


3. Motorcycle Accidents 

Motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to die in a traffic collision than people in a regular car. The risk of experiencing a catastrophic injury while on a motorcycle is incredibly high, which is why we rank it as one of the leading causes of wrongful death. 


4. Pedestrian Accidents

You don’t necessarily need to be in a vehicle to experience a wrongful death in a traffic accident. As long as you as a pedestrian are crossing where you’re supposed to be, you’re not at fault. 


5. Medical Malpractice 

Sometimes, the very people who are supposed to heal you are the ones who inflict a life-changing injury. Medical malpractice is an act or omission by a doctor that results in harm to a patient- and in the worst cases, death. 


6. Defective Products 

Defective products also often cause wrongful death. As long as you can prove the product was defective, you’ll have a strong case to bring to court. This leads us to our next point. 


File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit 

In Phoenix, you have two years after the date of the incident to file a civil lawsuit. We recommend that you do so not only to bring justice to your loved one but also to get you the compensation you deserve for funeral costs and other expenses. The immediate and wrongful death of a loved one is a traumatic experience that will most likely lead to lost income and therapy costs. Requesting compensation from the negligent party is your right. 

Personal injury attorneys make it much easier to win a case as they’re familiar with Arizona law. Plus, they know how to put together a strong case, which boosts your chances of winning. Finding a reliable attorney in Phoenix to help you with the process allows you the space to grieve in peace without stressing over paperwork, deadlines, and negotiations. 


Get a Free Consultation With Accidents Tirado Law 

Tirado Law will fight for your rights to compensation for a catastrophic injury with dedication and extraordinary skills. Our attorneys boast over ten years of experience, and we care about bringing you and your family to justice. After a wrongful death leaves you shaken, we’ll take care of the hard work while you focus on recovering. To learn more about our services, call us for a free consultation.